On keys (and castles)

According to a worn out proverb/saying/phrase, an Englishman’s home is his castle. This English girl has a new Castle 🙂 🙂 🙂 I don’t have a moat, or even a pond*, but I do have a balcony (and a cellar). And 60 square metres of floor all to myself. (Wheeeeeeee!) I signed the papers on Tuesday, […]

On catfish and other sites

DB says we can’t have a cat. He didn’t say anything about catfish. I now have 18 – and counting 🙂 *** On the grounds that I am liable to become boring for most readers who don’t like fish, I’m going to put future posts about fish onto their own site. Here are some pictures […]


On Advent decorations – part 3

<- part 2 ….Then I moved in with DB. DB is German. DB’s parents are German. All of them were born and live in [former] East Germany. There is a lot of tradition involved in a  German Christmas, and a whole lot more in an East German one. I’m not sure why, or even if […]

On vacuuming stairs

What’s the best way to vacuum a staircase?? I’ve lived away from my parents for over 9 years and I still haven’t figured it out. For a start why are the cables always that much too short – you can’t vacuum the whole staircase without changing plugsockets. Where are you supposed to balance the vacuum […]

FROGS!! :)

    Added later: DB told me to remind anyone thinking of making/having their own barrel pond, that they have to get the frogs out of it in autumn before it freezes and take them to the closest lake. Thank you for being kind to the wildlife near you.   

On late busses

Yesterday morning I wrote about being able to walk. Yesterday afternoon I found out I could also run up hills. Not entirely voluntarily. That being said, no one actually forced me to run anywhere, so it probably was self inflicted, even if not intentional or planned. Besides writing on here I spent a happy morning […]

On decorating

My new room’s* usable!! 🙂 After weeks of shopping, drawing, discussing, clearing out, cutting, painting, and washing every flat surface numerous times, my new “creative corner” is usable 🙂 Notice how I didn’t say finished… There’s still a whole lot to be done. Things like putting pictures up, buying a rug, putting up (read: sweet […]