On brand new computers v clean hair

I have 2 jobs. Both are part time, but I always work full days, if that makes sense. One of the companies I work for bought me a brand new computer today. I’ve never had a brand new computer before, unless you count my first laptop, which I suppose I do, and even that was […]

On napping before dinner

Sometimes I feel like a little kid. Sometimes I don’t care. Some days can be saved by an hour or so of undivided attention from a duvet. Today was one of those days. Having been undividedly attentioned by my duvet I am now ready to get up and make polite conversation over dinner. 🙂 Thank […]

On patience and pizza dough

I’m kneading pizza dough when DB walks into the kitchen… DB: Did you put herbs in that? Me: Yes DB: Then it’s not dirt after all… Me: ??!! – 2 minutes later – DB: Shall I turn the oven on? Me: Not yet, I haven’t finished kneading, and then it’s got to rise and I […]

On Mystery Boxes

I returned to work on Monday and was confronted with a large grey-brown box. Apparently The Colleague got wind of someone throwing it away and decided it would be a good coming-back-to-work present for me. Today, after sitting and looking at it for 2 and a half days, I got The Other Guy to drive […]

On mushroomsauce

Don’t try this at home. It is a waste of time, energy, electricity, ingredients and willpower. You have been warned. I [re]started taking B12 supplements this week. They’re [supposedly] good against tiredness, grouchyness, depression, energy-deficiency and a whole load of other stuff. The catch is, you have to take then half an hour after eating. […]