On ice cream and no spoon

My younger self spent many (MANY) hours sitting on benches in various parks and town squares, eating icecream. Sometimes by myself, sometimes with friends, sometimes (and probably most often) with my siblings. This was such a common occurrence, that we each kept an emergency spoon in our bags or wallets. Yesterday I found myself alone […]

On hurting people without meaning to

I’ve just been jolted out of an uneasy sleep in an uncomfortable aircraft seat by a food trolley. The absent minded trolley pusher rammed the trolley into my knee. I can only imagine it wasn’t intentional, so I can’t really be cross, even if it a) hurt, and b) woke me up.  It seems like […]

On therapy

The first session starts in 14 minutes. I feel totally unprepared, but I hope it won’t matter. I am also quite sweaty, which is worse than unprepared. The 18 degrees they promised us this morning when I put jeans on, have turned into at least 25, probably closer to 28, and the leisurely walk  I […]

On stepping stones

Stepping stones. Millions of stepping stones. And even more millions of litres of river. Some of the stones aren’t really stones at all. Some are slippery. Some are tiny, some are close together but most aren’t. The ones that are, generally don’t lead across the river, just along the middle. It might be deep, it […]

On change

Sometimes you get to the point where you have to change something. Until then, you can cope and cope and cope. That moment. The one that changes everything, can be tiny. One you might overlook if it didn’t happen at the exact right time. There’s a special combination of attitude and exhaustion and hope and […]

On wishing myself well

This year I’m going to be selfish. I’m going to do the things I want to do with the people I want to do them with. I’m going to go where I want to go and see what I want to see. I’m going to figure out what’s really important to me and spend less […]

On sheep dogs

Do sheep dogs care about the sheep who stay where they’re told? Do they even notice them? *** Today my thoughts kept circling back to sheepdogs. I don’t think I’ve spent more than a handful of hours in my whole life watching sheepdogs working, but every time I get the chance, I am impressed. Where […]

On coming home to empty shelves

To some that would be a problem, to me it was a reason to rejoice; I have too much stuff. Or not enough cupboards, depending on how you view these things. I am currently trying to revise for several exams (December) and compile a bookload of photos and old emails for my grandparents for Christmas […]

On the night of the full moon

The filtered water flows back into the aquarium through a tube ending in the bottom right hand corner of the photo. The duck weed span round slowly and steadily, in an almost perfect circle, until I sprinkled the flakes onto it, and broke it.

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