On sleeping in the doghouse

The radio comes on loudly, waking us up the way it does every morning. DB sits up and looks across at the dog (C) we’re looking after, who’s sleeping on the floor next to his side of the bed. DB: (excited) Good morning C! It’s time to get up! Yup yup yup! It really is! […]

On skiing and looking elegant

– though admittedly not at the same time! On Saturday I went skiing. I also went skiing on Sunday, but I’ve already written about that here. This is going to mess up the chronology of my posts, but hey… deal with it. After 3 weeks of thawing and piffling about snowing-but-not-settling, it finally snowed properly […]

On CVs and other paperwork.

(I have finally made myself do my Ski-Training, so I can write again ;)) My life seems to be full of paperwork at the moment. I’d like to say I’m getting better at dealing with it, but I think that would be lying. It seems to create more problems and hassle per square inch than […]

On perceived productivity

Why is it, on some days getting out of bed counts as productive already, and others -like today- I can wash my hair, help out at Sunday school, clear and sort my kitchen, sort out a folder of certificates and ‘important’ papers, think about Christmas presents for people, decorate a pinboard, write 3 emails (one […]

On not sleeping…

Explain this: This morning, as on many others, I had to fight myself to get out of bed. It was so cold everywhere but under the duvet, and I snoozed and I faffed about and ended up running halfway to work, so as to be marginally less late. (My minutes of lateness seem to add […]

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