On dancing with my eyes shut

For some reason I can dance better with my eyes shut. I’m going to assume it’s because when they’re open, they fully occupy my brain with all the visual imput, too selfish or attention-seeking to let my hands and/or feet join in. Once I close them, I’m much more aware of what it is my […]

On walking in the snow

If it’s snowing when you want to go home, remember to put your ‘real’ shoes back on before leaving the dance hall. Especially if your dancing shoes have (on-purpose) holes in them. Even more especially if you’re wearing floor-length trousers.

On late nights and strange men

– Thanks Ed Sheeran for the title 😉 – This is a post I’ve been wanting to write for a week*. I can’t say I didn’t have time, because I had as much time as in any other week, I just used it for other things…  😉 I think it’s going to be a long […]

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