On part-time existence

So, I suppose that’s enough suspense now. (I didn’t do it on purpose though, I had lurgy yesterday and wasn’t up to writing.) I am the proud owner of an emergency passport! Whoo!! I can officially go on holiday, and start work, and do all manner of existential things 🙂

On getting a seat

I got a seat on the first train this morning! Ok, so I guess it’s not that big a deal, but it made my morning that much more fulfilling 🙂 Even if I had to catch an earlier train to do so…

On arriving early to interviews

This was a comment on a post about arriving early to interviews. I decided it’s almost worthy of it’s own post, so I’m giving it one 🙂 I arrived half an hour early to my last one too.. Only I then spent 25 minutes trying to work out if I was in the right building […]

On plans, mice and men

On Plans (especially the best-laid ones): I was up really early today. I guess it ‘helped’ that I hadn’t slept so well, and that I’d got a text in the middle of the night so my phone flashed all night (which it also does just before the alarm rings). I got up, dressed, had breakfast…and […]

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