On putting out other peoples’ fires

I saw this as I was walking to the supermarket: So I went to investigate. As you do. I like fire, generally, if it’s contained and/or supervised. I don’t much appreciate fires living by themselves in my town. I stomped out the flames but didn’t have any way to do anything with the embers. So… […]

On saving the world, a pint at a time

This morning started the same way most mornings do – in a bid to stay in bed and pretend the world wasn’t actually expecting me to get up and be useful. I spent longer than I meant to looking for the paperwork I needed to take with me, which resulted in missing the train I […]

On Christmas trees and traditions

Most people would probably think of baubles presents or sparkly sweet wrappers if you asked them for a Christmas tree tradition. Some might have a decorating ritual, or a special stand. Some might go out into the forest and cut their own. The DB has his own tradition. The tree hides, or tries to hide, […]

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