On ice cream and no spoon

My younger self spent many (MANY) hours sitting on benches in various parks and town squares, eating icecream. Sometimes by myself, sometimes with friends, sometimes (and probably most often) with my siblings. This was such a common occurrence, that we each kept an emergency spoon in our bags or wallets. Yesterday I found myself alone […]

On choosing

Some people know exactly what they want, what they like. When they have to choose something, anything, they make their choices based on pre-decided ideas.

I am not that person (and this post isn’t really about icecream).

On scrambled eggs and ice cream for breakfast

I woke up with a sore throat and a blocked nose this morning. The most logical thing to do (in my mind) was eat ice cream for breakfast… …so I did. DB doesn’t approve, but he doesn’t have to eat any, so it’s not his problem. Besides, I’m English, and it seems we ‘always’ eat […]

On perfume shopping (part 1)

– or shopping with SD continued- I’ve experimented with perfume even less than with make-up. I hate it when people leave scent trails, unless they’re REALLY good ones, and then I stalk them MWAHAHAHAHAA!!! No. I don’t really stalk people. I’m just really fussy about the ones I would stalk if it was down to […]

On what I learnt at circus school today

Keeping a group of seven 7-12 year old boys together for 2 hours while changing rooms 12 times (circuit training) is a challenge. Keeping your cool even more so 😉 They are amazingly willing to please, as long as you tell them EXACTLY what you want them to do and why… Ok, so they still […]

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