On christmas food shopping

It’s still a week before advent starts. That means it’s still at least a month until Christmas. The shops have been selling Christmas food since September. We’ve been avoiding everything Christmassy, in an effort to single (double) handedly change the way supermarkets plan their year. It’s’s a tactic I’ve been trying for a few years […]

On taking criticism – or not…

“You can’t take criticism, can you?!” How are you supposed to answer that?! I guess I can’t. I can’t answer the question and I don’t handle criticism well. Not the mean kind and often not the wellmeaning. I think it’s like the saying: “It’s not what they say, or even what they do. It’s how […]

On hoping for the best

I hope the paramedics got there in time. He was crouching on the ground holding his hands over his heart and his eyes were wet with tears. I was on the way to the platform, on the way to work. I pointed him towards the doctor’s door (10m further) and then remembered she doesn’t get […]

On creating a ‘real’ website

No. Not one for notthrowingstones. Not yet anyway. This is a new website for the company I work for. Yes. I know it’s the weekend. That’s not really important. What is important is that I have managed to download the WordPress editor onto the hosting company /programme and start making pages and playing with layouts. […]

On the wonders of chewing gum

I don’t remember coming across chewing gum as a little kid. By about year 4 I’d discovered bubble gum, but wasn’t ever very good at blowing bubbles (glass is much better than bubblegum in that respect, even if it doesn’t taste as good ;)). A bit later, maybe in year 8 or 9, someone told […]

On letting balloons free – part 2

This is the part where I explain, in my own way, what I was doing (and why) last night. *** For 3 days, a “wall of glowing balloons on sticks” was put up accross the city. They blocked roads, filled pavements and generally got in the way. People would probably normally have complained about the […]

On walking not driving

DB isn’t a natural walker. He says his legs are too short. He’d rather drive. I used to walk or cycle all over the place when I lived by myself, but since moving here I have allowed myself to become lazy. Naja, as a by-product of my many problems and consequent doctors’ visits, we have […]

On balancing the books

I’ve just spent a very pleasant hour or so balancing our finances in a programme called YNAB. If you don’t know what it is, Google it. I’m not sure how useful it is yet, but it’s pretty coloured and congratulates me when I get the numbers to match up. Shame I can’t get the rest […]

On glass spirals

I have somehow earned the reputation for being good at making glass spirals. It started when I was practising for the Meister exam. The man who would become my current boss, but who was back then my ‘coursework’ supervisor told the president of the German glassblowing society that I had a fascinating technique but produced […]

On enforced relaxment

When I lived in a shared house, years ago, we only had a shower. The bath had been disconnected and was full of plants. I used to long for the chance to have a bath. Now I live in a house with a bath, I wish we had a shower. Between those houses I lived […]

On unfinished business

They’ve been working on the corridor where I work for months – at least 6, maybe longer. They bashed a hole in the wall and took out a door or two. Apparently they joined a couple of rooms together. Whatever. It was noisy and dusty and I hope they’re nearly finished. Today, they painted over […]

On keys and quays

– or the risks of being too tidy – I love DB’s mum. Apart from generally being an awesome lady, she’s DB’s mother, and responsible for 50% of his genes. She’s one of the only people I know, who can cook and serve 10 people dinner without the kitchen looking any different to before she […]

On swans and water policemen

When I think of November weather, my first thought is “grey” followed by cold, fog, drizzle, wind and rain. Today is the 2nd of November. It was 17 degrees (C ). The sky was blue and practically cloud free. DB and I went out in the boat. There aren’t many more enjoyable ways to spend […]

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