On being woken up by strangers

I fell asleep on the train, only to wake up when an unknown passenger walked past, saw me sleeping and knocked on the window to let me know that we’d arrived at the end of the line. Luckily that was the stop I’d been aiming for. Thank you, kind stranger, I would have hated waking […]

On saving the world, a pint at a time

This morning started the same way most mornings do – in a bid to stay in bed and pretend the world wasn’t actually expecting me to get up and be useful. I spent longer than I meant to looking for the paperwork I needed to take with me, which resulted in missing the train I […]

On momentary connection

Usually, when I get on the train in the morning, it’s full of other people who are all minding their own business, and presumably trying to wake up before they get to work. People read if they have space to hold a book or a phone, or stare out of the window if they don’t. […]

On surviving organisational failure

This is one of those posts that started life as an email in my rough draft folder and has been added to at irregular intervals since then. I’m going to tart it up a bit and post it so that it gets to see some of the world. The rough draft folder is a bit […]

On getting a seat

I got a seat on the first train this morning! Ok, so I guess it’s not that big a deal, but it made my morning that much more fulfilling 🙂 Even if I had to catch an earlier train to do so…

On Kindergarten Windows

I love how creative kids are. I love the different interpretations of a task, “draw a butterfly, colour it in and cut it out”. All the butterflies are different and that’s fantastic. I think it’s brilliant when the stuff the kids make gets put up on the walls or the windows. Today the train I […]

Dear ticketmachine…

Thank you so much dear ticket machine. You must know how much I love getting to stations on time with the right money, typing my destination and how many tickets I need into your slightly greasy screen only to then miss the train I came to catch because you don’t like the taste of my […]

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