On baby chickens and other Mystery Guests

I found the skeleton of a baby bird in my bathroom vent (see Day 14). It was well and truely dead (as in, only the bones were left) but it still made me queasy. It’s snowed here so I couldn’t really bury it properly. I dropped it off my balcony into the bushes instead. As a compromise for the heartless burial, I walked through the snow on my balcony barefoot. Apparently it’s good for the circulation. And I was already barefoot from cleaning the vent.

I hope it wasn’t the baby chicken my landlord heard. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t. I would have smelled it if it was.. Right? I hope it was already there before I moved in. That somehow makes it less my fault, even though falling down the shaft was something the bird did by itself.

My Mystery Guest went home today. He left the first message in my 2013 Guestbook. He wrote:

Dear Jesska,

One seldom finds such open and nice people as you in life. Therefore I thank you for your sincere/hearty hospitality during the festival and wish you lots of pleasure/enjoyment with your Couchsurfing Project.

P. [his name]

P.S. I ate 2 eggs for breakfast, I hope you weren’t planning on making Omelette this evening 😉

It sounded better in German, but it’s still pretty good in English 🙂 I like having good “written-down-comments” – they cheer me up on the days when I don’t get good “spoken-comments”.


I think I declare the CouchSurfingProjekt 2013 officially started 🙂 I still have to register, but I think it could be fun 🙂