On not exactly shopping

I went away for the weekend with a couple of friends. On the way to the beach we stopped at a supermarket. Friend 1 immediately disappeared, presumeably to search for essentials. Friend 2 peers at the trolley, looks at me: ‘So what else do we need?’ Me: ‘no idea, I’m just pushing the trolley..’ 🤷‍♀️ […]

On putting out other peoples’ fires

I saw this as I was walking to the supermarket: So I went to investigate. As you do. I like fire, generally, if it’s contained and/or supervised. I don’t much appreciate fires living by themselves in my town. I stomped out the flames but didn’t have any way to do anything with the embers. So… […]

On the magic in the middle

It doesn’t appear to make any sense. None of it. And yet, afterwards, you can look back and see all the paths and patterns and logical consequences. And it’s kind of beautiful. And strange. And magical. *** *** I’m not there yet, not at the patterns and consequences stage, but I am at a place […]

On complicated coffee

I went out for coffee with a guy from school and his wife today. I’d borrowed some books for him and he was returning them now that school’s over. It was too cold to stand outside the library for long so we decided to find a café. Most cafés don’t appreciate cards, so I went […]

On keys (and castles)

According to a worn out proverb/saying/phrase, an Englishman’s home is his castle. This English girl has a new Castle 🙂 🙂 🙂 I don’t have a moat, or even a pond*, but I do have a balcony (and a cellar). And 60 square metres of floor all to myself. (Wheeeeeeee!) I signed the papers on Tuesday, […]

On sleeping in my car

Okay, so it was nothing like a Roxette song, but it was an adventure. There’s not much more freeing than packing your stuff into the back of your own car and driving into the sunset. And there’s not much more grown up than realising when you are really really tired and should stop to sleep […]

On ice cream and no spoon

My younger self spent many (MANY) hours sitting on benches in various parks and town squares, eating icecream. Sometimes by myself, sometimes with friends, sometimes (and probably most often) with my siblings. This was such a common occurrence, that we each kept an emergency spoon in our bags or wallets. Yesterday I found myself alone […]

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