On anniversaries

I’ve been here (on WordPress) for a year now.

A year is a pretty long time for me to stick to something.

Except it doesn’t feel like I’ve been stuck.

When I wrote it was because I wanted to, not because I had to.

I think I like writing. A whole lot more than I did during English lessons in school anyway. There’s something therapeutic about getting thoughts out of your head and onto the screen.

I read through some of my old posts this morning and can’t wait to get back to writing as and when ideas hit me.

Recently I’ve been working* too much to do anything much beyond eat and crash out. Some weeks went by without me even opening my laptop – something unimaginable this time last year.

As a result I haven’t written nearly as often as I’ve had things I wanted to write about, but I hope that now school and most of the exams are over I’ll be able to get on the computer more regularly.

Anyway.  Thanks for sticking around.

Until soon!!


* Working is in this case the generic term for all the following:

– working 10 or 11 hour days during the week to scrape together the 80 hours overtime I needed to earn 2 weeks off to work on my Meisterstück
– staying on even longer to practise for the exam and to work on my Meisterstück
– commuting between Baden-Würtemburg and Berlin most weekends (8hours each way by train or 3hours by plane if you count check in time and travel to and from the airport/train station)
– working on my Meisterstück at weekends and on public holidays as well
– trying to fit in time with the boyfriend