On facing the music

– or not as the case may be.

When I first handed my notice in, I thought there’d be a whole lot of trouble – my soon-to-be-ex Colleague is a grumpy git at the best of times – but he didn’t have anything to say when I said I was leaving and everyone else was upset but totally understanding.

I think there are probably loads of things where real-life paints a much better picture than your imagination does.

I mislaid a project for a customer in about June for instance, and came across it again while tidying up the workshop. He hadn’t phoned to ask about it or complain, so I figured it couldn’t be too urgent, but it was still embarrassing not to have done it. I decided to apologise and ask him if he still needed it anyway, and he was luffly and said he did still need it, but that he’d been working on something else and would ask my soon-to-be-ex-colleague next year.

So thankful not to have to try and fit it into my last week here… 🙂

* (also saw it a couple of times while working on my Meisterstück but couldn’t do anything about it and so ignored it)