On finally phoning

Why is it so hard to phone people?

Yesterday I phoned someone I’d been meaning to phone for more than a week. I got the number from a friend, and left it sitting in a message, instead of pasting it in to the phone part of my phone, the part which I probably use least, and pressing ‘call’.

When I finally got round to it, it took all of 5 minutes to say all that needed saying. I now have an appointment with a specialist who might hopefully be able to work out what’s going on in my stomach.

That was a medical call, but even personal calls are a bit problematic. I can reel off a list of more people than I care to admit, who I have been meaning to phone for much longer than the specialist…

…and the longer I leave it, the more awkward it’s going to be when I finally do…

…Maybe. Except if it isn’t. Maybe they’re waiting for the ‘perfect moment’ to phone me, and would be relieved if I phoned them instead.

Maybe they don’t care about the length of time I’ve wanted to call but didn’t. Maybe they’d just like to talk.

Maybe I should just make time for one person every couple of days – I could probably be done by Christmas!!