On Crumbs for Christmas

This morning, after breakfast, DB and I made up some biscuit bags:

More accurately, I put the biscuits in the bags and cut the ribbons and DB tied the bows. Partly because he does that better than me, and partly because we were already running late.

I placed them carefully into my satchel, filled my 1,5L bottle and, in a typical Tuesday morning rush, crammed it in on top, squashing most of the biscuits in the process – nothing like giving someone a bag of crumbs for Christmas…

As it turned out, two of the secretaries I was planning to give them to weren’t in today.

I ate most of the worst bashed packet, and handed out three more (newspaper salesman, secretary, colleague).

I’m on the way home now and there’s one bag left, I wonder who’ll cross my path looking hungry on the way home…


Here’s hoping the recipients find them as tasty as I do 🙂


Edit: I gave the last one to a homeless guy selling Motz magazines in the train 🙂

(First part 18:00, edited ca. 21:30)