On cold coffee

I wanted to talk to you.. I did try. Multiple times. I wrote, I texted, I phoned. But you didn’t answer. I’m guessing you won’t read this either, but maybe writing it will get it out of my system. I missed you, you know. I spent a long time missing you. But you know what […]

On arriving early to interviews

This was a comment on a post about arriving early to interviews. I decided it’s almost worthy of it’s own post, so I’m giving it one 🙂 I arrived half an hour early to my last one too.. Only I then spent 25 minutes trying to work out if I was in the right building […]

On First-Person Problems

“This problem only exists because I think it does” Problems are pretty much a given when one’s alive. The way you look at them can change them into more major or minor problems. The particular sort I mean are the sort of problems other people might want to exchange for their own. Problems like the […]

On bikes, breadbuns and guilty conciences

Once upon a time there was a little girl. She learned to ride a bike (slowly) and when she grew up she still liked cycling. That little girl was me. Now I’m a whole lot older, even if not that much bigger. When I started work, I lived in a house half an hour’s walk […]

On Mystery Boxes

I returned to work on Monday and was confronted with a large grey-brown box. Apparently The Colleague got wind of someone throwing it away and decided it would be a good coming-back-to-work present for me. Today, after sitting and looking at it for 2 and a half days, I got The Other Guy to drive […]

On thought provoking questions

I’ve been clicking through quotes on Facebook. One that got me was one that simply asked if my 8-year-old-self would be proud of me. Whether she’d be proud of me or not is fairly irrelevant.. What hit me was the fact that I have absolutely no idea what my 8-year-old-self thought about ANYthing… and that […]

On Jelly

I used to love jelly, still do I guess, even if I don’t eat it often any more. German kids aren’t nearly as keen on it… I have never seen so much jelly thrown away before in my life.

On pancakes

Some say you have to share bread and wine with people if you want them to remember you.. I reckon making them pancakes comes a pretty close second 🙂

On what I learnt at circus school today

Keeping a group of seven 7-12 year old boys together for 2 hours while changing rooms 12 times (circuit training) is a challenge. Keeping your cool even more so 😉 They are amazingly willing to please, as long as you tell them EXACTLY what you want them to do and why… Ok, so they still […]

On children and the effect they have on one’s ears

Way back when I was small, my grandparents used to take us (my siblings and me) on holiday for a week in summer. When my folks arrived to pick us up, the grandparents could almost be guaranteed to say: “rather a week than a fortnight” and “we’ll think we’ve gone deaf”. As a kid I […]

On slippery slopes

Today I phoned in sick. I think I was justified. I spent the weekend at home with a blocked/runny nose instead of going skiing as planned, my head felt like it was the very heaviest type of time-bomb (likely to explode any moment), I had null energy and I could challenge dogs to barking matches. […]

On sleepovers

*sings* There were 3 [already] in the bed and the fourth one said; “stuff that for a laugh, I’m going to sleep on the sofa” I was going to swap with her, but she wouldn’t let me. I had quite a guilty conscience until this morning when I realised she was the only one for […]

On traffic light men

No. I don’t mean the male equivalent of lollypop ladies. I mean the pictures/symbols of people in/on the lights at pedestrian crossings. If you look at the red man long enough, you can still see him floating over the landscape long after you’ve crossed the road. Today he was dark blue when my eyes were […]

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