On arriving early to interviews

This was a comment on a post about arriving early to interviews. I decided it’s almost worthy of it’s own post, so I’m giving it one 🙂 I arrived half an hour early to my last one too.. Only I then spent 25 minutes trying to work out if I was in the right building […]

On overnight cake-baking

“A work colleague (a nice one) and I are going to visit a super-glassblower for a couple of days and be shown how to do clever things with glass. I want to bring him and his family a cake to thank him for his time and for organising the whole thing.” I did it! 🙂 […]

On First-Person Problems

“This problem only exists because I think it does” Problems are pretty much a given when one’s alive. The way you look at them can change them into more major or minor problems. The particular sort I mean are the sort of problems other people might want to exchange for their own. Problems like the […]

On partying like a German

Warning: This post contains predjudice and unfair descriptions 😉 When in Germany, party like a German 🙂 The stereotype/predjudice is that the Germans are a very serious people. I’m not sure that that’s true, they’re just incredibly orderly. Even getting drunk and dancing on tables has to be done in an orderly fashion. Where I […]

On ‘coincidences’ (and Berlin)

On Thursday I decided to go to Berlin. Naja, ish. While it is true that I decided to go, it wasn’t entirely my decision. I was invited to a meeting. The sort that it would be silly not to go to. Some of you know why, some don’t. It’s not entirely relevant. The only relevant […]

On bikes, breadbuns and guilty conciences

Once upon a time there was a little girl. She learned to ride a bike (slowly) and when she grew up she still liked cycling. That little girl was me. Now I’m a whole lot older, even if not that much bigger. When I started work, I lived in a house half an hour’s walk […]

On Pidgeons

Today my workshop was invaded by 2 pidgeons. I left for 10-15 minutes to print something in a different room, when I got back, there they were. Apparently they mate for life. I was told that by most of the people who found out about my predicament. Not that it really helped me much. But […]

On Mystery Boxes

I returned to work on Monday and was confronted with a large grey-brown box. Apparently The Colleague got wind of someone throwing it away and decided it would be a good coming-back-to-work present for me. Today, after sitting and looking at it for 2 and a half days, I got The Other Guy to drive […]

On pancakes

Some say you have to share bread and wine with people if you want them to remember you.. I reckon making them pancakes comes a pretty close second 🙂

On what I learnt at circus school today

Keeping a group of seven 7-12 year old boys together for 2 hours while changing rooms 12 times (circuit training) is a challenge. Keeping your cool even more so 😉 They are amazingly willing to please, as long as you tell them EXACTLY what you want them to do and why… Ok, so they still […]

On children and the effect they have on one’s ears

Way back when I was small, my grandparents used to take us (my siblings and me) on holiday for a week in summer. When my folks arrived to pick us up, the grandparents could almost be guaranteed to say: “rather a week than a fortnight” and “we’ll think we’ve gone deaf”. As a kid I […]

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