On discovering a baby

Look! Ok, you might need some help if you don’t know what you’re looking for.. Isn’t it awesome?! 4 of the 7 miniature schrimp I bought a month ago were ‘pregnant’. At some point I noticed that they were no longer carrying their eggs, but there was no sign of the babies anywhere. Until now. […]

On preparing an aquarium – part 1

We started with the glass. The DB’s father had 2 aquariums, neither of which was in use. The short version would be: we chose one, washed it out and took it home. The real life version was more complicated but that’s not relevant here.. 🙂 Anyway. We had an aquarium we wanted to use. DB […]

On baby fish – part 1

And another one from the draft folder… (late March 2014) *** The DB was given an aquarium a few years ago*. He bought 5 different sorts of fish, some lumpy bits of wood and some fish food and has looked after the fish ever since. Then he met me. He showed me the aquarium and […]