On Birthdays and Blorthdays

Go and visit Claudette. She’s one of my bestest blog-friends, and it’s her birthday today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAUDETTE! :)). Also, my blog is 3 years old. And it was my birthday on Friday. So. Everything points to having a Blorthday Party. I’m not really sure how Blorthday Parties work, so you’ll have to help me […]

On art, anniversaries, and playing with poo

Friday was my 6th just-finished-my-aprenticeship leavers-party anniversary. I didn’t exactly celebrate, but I did get DB to take me to a friend’s ‘horse farm’ and load a trailer with 3-yr-old horsepoo. Somehow it seemed fitting. *** The headteacher usually gives the speech at the leavers ceremony on the last day of school. Usually. When my […]

On anniversaries

I’ve been here (on WordPress) for a year now. A year is a pretty long time for me to stick to something. Except it doesn’t feel like I’ve been stuck. When I wrote it was because I wanted to, not because I had to. I think I like writing. A whole lot more than I […]