On living a disappointingly boring life

Among the things I don’t actually know to be scientifically proven but assume to be true based on observation, risk-addiction doesn’t appear to be genetic. Some people do a lot of crazy, scary, dangerous, adventurous, amazing, story-worthy things with their lives. Some don’t. I, unfortunately, am firmly ensconced within the second group, where I am […]

On not being a sword

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat on the edge while she waved her hands about. “…your body wants to flow, you see,” she said, “it’s being held in place at the moment, but it isn’t happy. That’s why you have so many stressed and tightened muscles. You’re more like […]

On hurting people without meaning to

I’ve just been jolted out of an uneasy sleep in an uncomfortable aircraft seat by a food trolley. The absent minded trolley pusher rammed the trolley into my knee. I can only imagine it wasn’t intentional, so I can’t really be cross, even if it a) hurt, and b) woke me up.  It seems like […]

On leaving without saying goodbye

Ok, I get it. You don’t like goodbyes. I don’t think I know anyone who particularly enjoys them. You were – and are – well and truly finished here, you did your time, you ate the cake, you packed your coffee cup, you were ready to leave. There’s no real sensible reason to hang about […]

On late nights and strange men

– Thanks Ed Sheeran for the title 😉 – This is a post I’ve been wanting to write for a week*. I can’t say I didn’t have time, because I had as much time as in any other week, I just used it for other things…  😉 I think it’s going to be a long […]

On what we say v. what they hear.

I’m too sleepy to write as much as I’d like to on this, but it’s been a theme running through several conversations this week. If what we say isn’t always what they hear, then maybe what we hear isn’t what they said…….. (/what they meant)