On remembering and forgetting

It’s amazing what you can remember about things you haven’t done for months. It’s also amazing how much you forget. I’ve skied for 2 of the 4 days. Today is the third day. The first day, getting my boots on without help was the first hurdle, carrying my skis was good, standing up without falling […]

On waiting

I’m in southern Germany in a hostel with 11 other people. The hostel has one shower and we’ve all spent the day on the slopes. I think I’m the last of the unshowered. I don’t care, I have a good book (and a post to write :)). *** I hardly ever mind waiting as long […]

On broken glass and freedom

Yesterday I cleared my workshop of almost every trace of my existence. I say ‘almost’, because I left my ex-colleague something to remember me by: This is a box of broken glass bigger and heavier than you can move around easily, and less substantial than it would need to be to pick up and pour […]

On facing the music

– or not as the case may be. When I first handed my notice in, I thought there’d be a whole lot of trouble – my soon-to-be-ex Colleague is a grumpy git at the best of times – but he didn’t have anything to say when I said I was leaving and everyone else was […]

On mental weight loss

Just overheard this: Old man, talking passionately to another old man about one of numerous past illnesses… “I lost SEVENTEEN KILOS!!! SEVENTEEN!!!” Here ensues a detailed description of every aspect.. He stops abruptly to correct himself.. “No, fifteen – from 84 down to 72.” ..before continuing with the story. Good thing mental arithmetic isn’t important […]

On molecules and foreigners in the workshop

Earlier this week: My soon-be-ex-colleague is sitting at a table with 2 or 3 others drinking beer. I’m at my work bank, making prettifull molecules* for a couple of people who have just graduated/completed their PhDs. An Indian customer comes in with a box of glassware to be repaired. He officially ‘belongs’ to a different […]

On anniversaries

I’ve been here (on WordPress) for a year now. A year is a pretty long time for me to stick to something. Except it doesn’t feel like I’ve been stuck. When I wrote it was because I wanted to, not because I had to. I think I like writing. A whole lot more than I […]

On solidarity and other fragile things

I used to think solidarity was a good thing.. you know, back in the days of people helping each other and that kind of good thing. A string of recent events have caused me to rethink this long-standing opinion… I’m working on my masterpiece. We were allowed to start in the middle of August, and have […]

On Chaos practise

People are always talking about the chaos theory If they knew me better, they could talk about the chaos practise. Especially if they watched me packing and/or trying to catch a bus.

On being informed v being ignored

I have a boyfriend 🙂 This happened at some indecipherable point between the beginning of May and the middle of June. I don’t think it’s all that important to have a date, but he does so we’re going to have to think of one. It’s now August. I’ve told most people the news. I’ve also […]