On molecules and foreigners in the workshop

Earlier this week: My soon-be-ex-colleague is sitting at a table with 2 or 3 others drinking beer. I’m at my work bank, making prettifull molecules* for a couple of people who have just graduated/completed their PhDs. An Indian customer comes in with a box of glassware to be repaired. He officially ‘belongs’ to a different […]

On anniversaries

I’ve been here (on WordPress) for a year now. A year is a pretty long time for me to stick to something. Except it doesn’t feel like I’ve been stuck. When I wrote it was because I wanted to, not because I had to. I think I like writing. A whole lot more than I […]

On a roll

I have a new job!! 🙂 I start in February 🙂 Gives me time to move house, go skiing and visit my folks before people expect great things of me 😉 and that in spite of being stuck in the current job until Christmas. Actually, that’s not bad either – it means I get paid […]

On solidarity and other fragile things

I used to think solidarity was a good thing.. you know, back in the days of people helping each other and that kind of good thing. A string of recent events have caused me to rethink this long-standing opinion… I’m working on my masterpiece. We were allowed to start in the middle of August, and have […]

On cross pollination

Someone out there appears to have been meddling. I haven’t found out who they are, but I’ve found the result of their work. What exactly they were trying to achieve is a little bit unclear, and how they got there is beyond mind-boggling, but there you go. I present you…. …the leopard-slug! (or in this […]

On Chaos practise

People are always talking about the chaos theory If they knew me better, they could talk about the chaos practise. Especially if they watched me packing and/or trying to catch a bus.

On rain at lunchtime

The canteen at work is designed for people to go in, sit down, eat and leave again. It’s not designed for everyone to sit around talking once they’ve finished eating. Today it rained. Very very hard. It started raining at midday, just after I’d got to a table and sat down. The people who had […]

On perfume shopping (part 1)

– or shopping with SD continued- I’ve experimented with perfume even less than with make-up. I hate it when people leave scent trails, unless they’re REALLY good ones, and then I stalk them MWAHAHAHAHAA!!! No. I don’t really stalk people. I’m just really fussy about the ones I would stalk if it was down to […]

On polishing ones fingers

It’s not recommended. In fact, I would say you shouldn’t do it. It’s the sort of thing that can mess up your plans. Except, thinking about it, my plans mostly aren’t up to scratch, so they might as well be messed up or completely got rid of. Sometimes doing things you shouldn’t do seems to […]

On Kindergarten Windows

I love how creative kids are. I love the different interpretations of a task, “draw a butterfly, colour it in and cut it out”. All the butterflies are different and that’s fantastic. I think it’s brilliant when the stuff the kids make gets put up on the walls or the windows. Today the train I […]

On being informed v being ignored

I have a boyfriend 🙂 This happened at some indecipherable point between the beginning of May and the middle of June. I don’t think it’s all that important to have a date, but he does so we’re going to have to think of one. It’s now August. I’ve told most people the news. I’ve also […]

On shopping successfully

I don’t much like shopping. Food-shopping is bearable, clothes-shopping generally isn’t, although it is marginally better than shoe-shopping, and a whole lot better than bra-shopping. I tend to avoid it if at all possible. However. Sometimes life strikes, and I get invited somewhere that calls for something other than jeans. It seems life has struck. […]