On playing Chinese whispers

Some families play scrabble. Some families are less interested in written words and so choose to play Chinese whispers instead. *** DB came home from work really upset the other day. Apparently his father had told him that his (DB’s) mother had said his uncle (C) was in hospital and that his aunt (H) didn’t […]

On choosing

Some people know exactly what they want, what they like. When they have to choose something, anything, they make their choices based on pre-decided ideas.

I am not that person (and this post isn’t really about icecream).

On not-catching 22

There are a few things I’m really good at. Catching fish isn’t one of them. In fact, it’s one of the things I’m worst at. *** With most of the other things I’m worst at (or just bad at), I’m generally so bad because I don’t practice enough (or ever) or because I don’t much […]

On sight-snoring

I am on the road again. Or more rather on the tracks. Since I’m travelling almost entirely by train. Whatever. It’s a 7 1/2 hour journey from where I live to where I have to be at 7pm. Instead of leaving at midday and making a usual late appearance, I chose an early train so […]

On dead flies and sherry trifle

I haven’t written lately. You can blame Geoff from TanGental. I don’t really have a lot of time to spare for either reading or writing when I’m at home, so I use my commute for both. The commuting time for the whole of the last week has been taken up with reading Geoff’s book: “Dead […]

On trying, and failing, to count to 20

“I think that’s 12” he said, from the top step of a wobbly stepladder. “Although they won’t stay still long enough for me to count them properly. I haven’t counted the rest, but there’s no way there’s another 20 in there”. “That’s ok, we’ll take them all, even if there aren’t going to be as […]

On running out of medicine

(From 13th January) This morning I used the last of one of the three remaining eye drops. Oops. (A second bottle wasn’t actually empty, but didn’t gloop much when shaken. It’s difficult to tell how many days worth of drops are left in an opaque 5ml bottle. Double oops.) I’m in a very small seaside […]

On winter flowers

I don’t know many plants that flower in winter, in my head none had big poofy blooms. Then I accompanied DB on a work trip, calling in at his workshop en route. I am now better educated. Trees do blossom in January. Especially mostly neglected trees kept in corridors. This particular corridor is only marginally […]

On working with men (and trying to understand them)

I need some help with a problem that’s going round and round in my head. I’d be grateful for insights…. *** Over the last few days I spent several hours working with a retired electrician who’s a friend of DB’s. We planned, installed and wired up the new lighting in DB’s aquarium. We went shopping for […]

On coming home

I flew home* on Saturday. I landed, and was presented with two of my favourite things: Chocolate (which they handed out on the plane as we got off) and Snow (which you can barely see in my blurry photo). Isn’t that awesome? It was even more awesome the next day. Tthere was enough to make […]

On banknotes and other liabilities

By “other liabilities” I mostly just mean myself. I just went into a shop to buy a lens cover for DB’s camera. Easy right? Wrong. Despite seeing better every day, it appears that I still can’t see well enough to be let loose in society. The cover was supposed to cost 15€ which felt like […]

On death by chocolate

This doesn’t look like much, until you realise that the plate is about 40 cm long…… Three layers of thick chocolate cream, and a cheesecake-style base. Plus chocolate ice cream and a strawberry. And the most strawberryesque sauce ever. I have never been so full!